Minutes 6/14/21



6:00 PM

The Tye Economic Development and the Tye Industrial Development Corporations met for a Regular Called meeting on Monday, June 14th 2021 at 6:00 pm, at 649 Scott Street, Tye, Texas 79563.

  1. Call to Order – Danette Dunlap Vice-President of Board of the Tye Industrial/Economic Development Corporations called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

Members present – Danette Dunlap, Vada Childers, Barbara Kotrlik, Ken Arnold, Kenny Dry

Members absent – George Deffenbaugh, Janie Ritter


Others Present – Kevin Harris, Donna Kendrick, Nancy Moore, Lena Minor, Mary McCarty, Louisa Parson, Celeste Votaw, Emily Votaw, Sharon Hicks, Belinda Hohhertz – City Secretary


  1. Invocation – Given by Ken Arnold.


  1. Public Comment – At this time, any person with business not scheduled on the agenda may speak to the Board of Directors. No formal action can be taken on these items at this meeting. Citizens speaking time may not exceed three (3) minutes without the consent of the Board of Directors.


Louisa Parson spoke on behalf of her organization One Favor and gave a brief summary of her organization. She expressed that she would like to be considered for the small office space in the Small Business Incubator when it becomes available. She also made a request to be placed on a future agenda. Louisa was informed that the board will take this information into consideration.


Lena Minor from ATX Auctions gave an update on the parking lot work that J.H. Strain Company completed in front of their warehouse space in the Small Business Incubator and expressed that she was thankful to the board for approving the project.


  1. Discuss and Consider: Approval of joint minutes for both TEDCO and TIDCO from May 10th, 2021 and approval of minutes from the TEDCO/TIDCO and City Council joint meeting from May 10th, 2021.


After some discussion, Barbara Kotrlik expressed that she would like staff to investigate if Can Doo Portable Restrooms has been taking the Men’s/Women’s signs off of the Portable Restrooms at Rister Park. Kenny Dry also expressed that if the signs are not allowed on the restrooms that staff should make the appropriate signs and place them in the ground next to the restrooms.


Motion made by Kenny Dry to approve the joint minutes for both TEDCO and TIDCO from May 10th, 2021 and to approve the minutes from the TEDCO/TIDCO and City Council Joint Meeting from May 10th, 2021. Ken Arnold seconded the motion. Motion carried.


  1. Discuss and Consider: Approval of financials for both TEDCO and TIDCO from May 2021.


After some discussion, Vada Childers inquired why the Werner Diesel, Dad’s Jerky, and Ashenfelter Cabinets Loans were still listed in the Tye Industrial Development Corporations reports and asked staff to look into it.


Motion made by Vada Childers to approve the financials for both TEDCO and TIDCO from May 2021. Barbara Kotrlik seconded the motion. Motion carried.


  1. Discuss and Consider: Compensation per month for the Tye Community Center rental attendant.


Prior to COVID-19, Leona Davis had served as the rental attendant for the Tye Community Center. She was responsible for opening and closing the community center for rentals and light duty cleaning after the renters had left for which she received $450.00 per month from TEDCO.


After some discussion, it was decided to compensate Leona Davis at $35.00 per rental to open and close the community center and to perform a walk-through inspection. She will be paid through TEDCO. No cleaning will be required as we have already contracted with another company to clean the community center on a weekly basis.


Motion made by Kenny Dry to compensate Leona Davis at $35.00 per rental. Vada Childers seconded the motion. Motion carried.


  1. Discuss and Consider: Request for financial assistance from Donna Kendrick/Kevin Harris Mowing Company.


Donna Kendrick spoke to the boards and requested a grant for $6,500.00 to purchase a new lawn mower and weed eater. She expressed that they were in need of this equipment to continue and expand their business here in Tye.


After some initial discussion, Vada Childers made a motion to approve the request for financial assistance from Donna Kendrick/Kevin Harris Mowing Company. Kenny Dry then asked if we could enter into Executive Session. Motion died.


The boards decided that an Executive Session was necessary under Section 551.071, Consultation with Attorney and Danette Dunlap announced that we were entering Executive Session at 6:24 pm. It was announced that the boards came back into open session at 6:42 pm.


No votes or action was taken in Executive Session.


Motion made by Vada Childers to approve the financial assistance grant from Donna Kendrick/Kevin Harris Mowing Company in the amount of $6,500.00 with the following stipulations: Donna Kendrick/Kevin Harris Mowing Company will mow Apache Park in Tye once a month or as called upon by the CEO; the $6,500.00 will go directly to Smith Outdoor Power Equipment in Abilene or the Buy Board to purchase the equipment, whichever is cheaper. Kenny Dry seconded the motion. Motion carried.


  1. Discuss and Consider: Adding an emergency exit door in the board room.


Staff gave a brief summary of the need for an exit door in the board room in case of an emergency. Mike Johnson from MGJ Contracting has previously given the board a bid to install an emergency door in the board room at a cost of $2,950.00.


Motion made by Barbara Kotrlik to approve the bid from MGJ Contracting for $2,950.00 to install an emergency exit door in the board room. Ken Arnold seconded the motion. Motion carried.


  1. Executive Session: Section 551.071 – Consultation With Attorney, Section 551.072 – Deliberations About Real Property, Section 551.078 – Deliberations Regarding Economic Development Negotiations.


Danette Dunlap announced the boards were going into Executive Session at 6:46 pm regarding 551.071, 551.072, and 551.078. It was announced that the boards came back into open session at 7:27 pm.


No votes or action was taken in Executive Session.


  1. Adjournment – Motion made by Vada Childers to adjourn at 7:28 p.m. Barbara Kotrlik seconded the motion. Motion carried.

__________________________                                                ______________________________

Danette Dunlap/Vice-President                                                  Cody Ellis/CEO

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(325) 695-8253
649 Scott St. • Tye, Tx 79563
PO Box 125 • Tye, TX 79563