Community Center

Located at 103 Scott Street, the Tye Community Center is available to rent for special occasions. With a full kitchen, tables, chairs and large restrooms, the Center has everything you need for your next event! Contact the Tye Economic Development Corporation to reserve your date.

Friday-Sunday Rental – $175.00/Day
Monday-Thursday Rental – $125.00/Day
100 % Matching Deposit Required For All Rentals

Bereavement Rental
Tye residents may rent the facility for a funeral or memorial service for $50.00. Residents renting for this purpose must show a current water bill and proof of services prior to reserving the space.

For more information, please contact the Tedco office at 325-695-8253

Tye Workforce Facts

Tye is located in Taylor County, Texas, it covers 170 square miles which makes up 1.3% of all land in Taylor County. Its surrounding metropolitan area represents one of the most affordable labor markets in the nation. The average income per household in Tye is $30,125, compared to the Taylor County average household income of $33,906. There are 95 businesses in Tye that employ 800 full time employees. Over all, Taylor Country has a total of 3,502 businesses that employe 48,645 full time employees. Therefore, Tye employs 1.5% of the total employees in Taylor County.

The average value of a house in Tye, Texas is $29,400, compared to the Taylor

County average home value of $60,665.00.

 The total population for Tye, Texas is 1,265 comprising 0.8% of the total population of Taylor County. There’s 568 households in Tye, consisting of an averge of 2.8 people per household.

 Tye, Texas has a population that consists of 84% White, 1.3% Black, 9.1% Hispanic, 0.7% Asian, 0.7% Native American, and 4.2 Other. This compares to Taylor County, which consists of 66.7% White, 6.4% Black, 14.8% Hispanic, 1.0% Asian, 0.5% Native American, and 10.6% Other.

Men make up 48.3% of the total population of Tye, Women make up 51.7% of the remaining population. The average age of a man in Tye is 32.7 years old. The average age of a female in Tye is 34.8 years old.

With respect to healthcare insurance coverage and Tye, approximately 23.1% of this population under the age of 65 do not have healthcare insurance. This observation is based on the most recent U. S. Census date in which 23.1% of the population of Taylor County are uninsured. In the state of Texas, the overall percentage of people without healthcare insurance and under the age 65 is 27.6%.

More Community Facts

Events and Activities
Tye hosts several annual events each year including: a Citywide Garage Sale each April, the City Easter Egg Hunt in April, a Fireworks Show in July, the Back to School Bash in August, Trunk-Or-Treat in October, and a Community Christmas Parade in December.
City Of Tye
The City of Tye has five full-time police officers, an animal control officer, a code enforcement officer, and a top-notch volunteer fire department.
Affordable housing is just one of the many amenities of Tye. Whether you’re interested in rentals, purchasing a home, or building your own, we have everything you need to relocate! Stop by the Tedco/Tidco office today for more information.
Infrastructure Improvements
Tye offers easy access to Interstate 20 and FM 707. Over the past several years the TEDCO and TIDCO organizations have worked diligently with the City of Tye to ensure safe roadways including our most recent project, the repaving and widening of Air Base Road.

Use the form below to message us directly and find out about the opportunities in Tye, TX.


Contact Us
(325) 695-8253
649 Scott St. • Tye, Tx 79563
PO Box 125 • Tye, TX 79563