Minutes 6/12/23
MONDAY, JUNE 12th, 2023
6:00 PM
The Tye Economic Development and the Tye Industrial Development Corporations met for a Regular meeting on Monday, June 12th, 2023, at 6:00 PM, at 649 Scott Street, Tye, Texas 79563 in Suite 111.
- Call to Order – George Deffenbaugh, President of the Board of the Tye Industrial/Economic Development Corporations called the meeting to order at 6:01 PM.
Members present – George Deffenbaugh, Kenny Dry, Barbara Kotrlik, Ken Arnold, Janie Ritter
Members absent – Vada Childers
Others Present – Mayor Nancy Moore, Gwen Sutton, Melissa Newberry, Shayne Newberry, Collin Zalesak
- Invocation – Given by Barbara Kotrlik.
- Public Comment – At this time, any person with business not scheduled on the agenda may speak to the Board of Directors. No formal action can be taken on these items at this meeting. Citizens speaking time may not exceed three (3) minutes without the consent of the Board of Directors. – No Comments.
- Discuss and Consider: Approval of joint minutes for both TEDCO and TIDCO from May 8th, 2023.
Motion made by Barbara Kotrlik to approve the joint minutes for both TEDCO and TIDCO from May 8th, 2023. Janie Ritter seconded the motion. Motion carried.
- Discuss and Consider: Approval of financials for both TEDCO and TIDCO for May 2023.
Motion made by Ken Arnold to approve the financials for both TEDCO and TIDCO for May 2023. Kenny Dry seconded the motion. Motion carried.
- Discuss and Consider: Approval of Resolution R-23-02 – Project Davenport.
Staff presented the resolution and agreement that City Attorney, Eileen Hayman, had drafted for an infrastructure grant for Abilene Furniture Leasing to relocate to 815 Scott Street where Melissa & Shayne Newberry will be building a new warehouse. The Board had some general questions for Melissa & Shayne Newberry about the current status of water & sewer utilities.
After some discussion, a motion was made by Janie Ritter to approve Resolution R-23-02 – Project Davenport Infrastructure Grant in the amount of $75,000.00 with funds to come from TIDCO (Budget Line Item 6830 Projects General). Barbara Kotrlik seconded the motion. Motion carried.
- Discuss and Consider: Building concepts for the downtown area – presented by Parkhill.
Collin Zalesak from the Parkhill engineering team presented a revised concept drawing for the downtown area based on feedback from the Boards at previous meetings. The Boards collaborated and collectively eliminated the Industrial Style and asked the Parkhill team to combine elements of the Traditional and Modern Styles for review at a future meeting.
The Boards took no action on this item.
- Discussion Only: Executive Director’s report regarding current projects.
Staff informed the Boards that this item will now be on every agenda moving forward and this item will allow Staff to share updates on projects and for the Board to ask questions.
Staff shared updates on the Dollar General location & the new billboard installation at the Community Center.
- Adjournment: Motion made by Ken Arnold to adjourn at 7:02 PM. Kenny Dry seconded the motion. Motion carried.
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George Deffenbaugh/President Cody Ellis/CEO