Minutes 12/14/20




6:00 PM

The Tye Economic Development and the Tye Industrial Development Corporations met for a Regular Called meeting on Monday, December 14th at 6:00 pm, at 649 Scott Street, Tye, Texas 79563.


  1. Call to Order – George Deffenbaugh President of the Tye Industrial/Economic Development Corporation called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.

Members present – George Deffenbaugh, Kenny Dry, Ken Arnold, Vada Childers, Janie Ritter, and Danette Dunlap

Members absent – Cody Ellis


Others Present – None


Via Zoom: None


  1. Invocation – given by Janie Ritter


  1. Public Comment – At this time, any person with business not scheduled on the agenda may speak to the Board of Directors. No formal action can be taken on these items at this meeting. Citizens speaking time may not exceed three (3) minutes without the consent of the Board of Directors. – no comments
  2. Discuss and Consider – Tye Community Center – review rental information, janitorial services quotes for cleaning services and discuss a community center attendant. (TEDCO) Motion made by Vada Childers to TABLE this item until the next meeting. Kenny Dry seconded the motion, motion carried.


  1. Discuss and Consider – Replace the Air Conditioner unit at the Tye Community Center with a mini-split 2-ton Unit System. (TEDCO) Discussion was held stating that Geneco was not able to have a representative available at the meeting. Board was going to get more quotes on the system. Motion made by Janie Ritter to TABLE this item Kenny Dry seconded the motion. Motion carried.


  1. Discuss and Consider – Façade Grant for A.L. Ries for the upgraded garage doors on his business located at 327 North Street, approval of reimbursement on the expenditures per agreement. (TIDCO) After some discussion. Vada Childers made the motion to approve the reimbursement to A.L. Ries for the façade grant. Janie Ritter seconded the motion, motion carried.


  1. Discuss and Consider: Small Business Incubator (TEDCO/TIDCO)


  • Possible janitorial services for the building. Motion made by Vada Childers to use K-G Janitorial Services for the building. Kenny Dry seconded the motion, motion carried.


  • Possible costs to the Parking area on the North side of the building to allow for handicap access into the building and any additions or repairs to the parking area. After some discussion about the locations that needed to be added. Danette Dunlap made the motion to TABLE this item to get the Paving companies time to update their quotes. Vada Childers seconded the motion, motion carried.



  • Possible construction inside the building for placement of doors in various locations for the rental of the North West offices and possible door on the East side of the building for the Conference Room and security lights outside of the building for security purposes. – Discussion included having Taylor Electric install some more guard lights around the building. Motion made by Vada Childers to allow Danette Dunlap to work with the City on the reconstruction of some of the rooms for the city hall to move over.  Seconded by Janie Ritter, motion carried.


  1. Discuss and Consider: Financial Assistance Programs for Tye Economic/Industrial Development Corporations

Business Incentive Grants (TIDCO)

Performance Grants (TEDCO)

Façade Grants (TIDCO)

Vada Childers made the motion to TABLE this item.  Kenny Dry seconded the motion, motion carried.


  1. Executive Session – Personnel Matters LGC 551.074 –Position of Executive Director – President George Deffenbaugh announced that the board was entering into Executive Session at 7:10 p.m. and announced at 7:17 p.m. the board was back in open session.


  1. Action if any needed from Executive Session regarding the position of Executive Director – no action was taken


  1. Adjournment – Motion made by Vada Childers to adjourn at 7:18 p.m. Kenny Dry seconded the motion. Motion carried.





George Deffenbaugh


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Contact Us
(325) 695-8253
649 Scott St. • Tye, Tx 79563
PO Box 125 • Tye, TX 79563