Minutes 10/12/20




6:00 PM

The Tye Economic Development and the Tye Industrial Development Corporations met for a Regular meeting on Monday, October 12th 2020 at 6:01 pm, at 649 Scott Street, Tye, Texas 79563.


  1. Call to Order – George Deffenbaugh, President of the Tye Economic and Industrial Development Corporation called the meeting to order at 6:01 pm.

Members present – George Deffenbaugh, Kenny Dry, Cody Ellis, Vada Childers, Ken Arnold, Danette Dunlap and Janie Ritter

Members absent – none


Others Present – Belinda Hohhertz City Secretary, Nancy Moore Mayor Pro-tem, and Shawn Hicks Interim Executive Director


City Council Present – Bill Murphy, Sharon Ash, Kenny Dry, Nancy Moore – absent Chuck Downs


Citizens present – Celeste Votaw with Tye Family Care, Langer IT, ATX Auctions – Mary McCarty, Lena Minor, Maria Robb Miller Buxton Co., Chase Huddle with Integrity Building Solutions, LLC, Bandi Jones, Rita Monterrosa


  1. Invocation – given by Janie Ritter

  2. Public Comment – At this time, any person with business not scheduled on the agenda may speak to the Board of Directors. No formal action can be taken on these items at this meeting. Citizens speaking time may not exceed three (3) minutes without the consent of the Board of Directors. – no comments

Regular Business:

  1. Executive Session – Deliberations about Real Property LGC 551.072, Economic Development 551.087, 649 Scott Street, Personnel Matters LGC 551.074 –Position of Executive Director Interviews with candidates for the position. Bandi Jones, Rita Monterrosa, Shawn Hicks.

President Deffenbaugh announced the Board entered into Executive Session with the Tye City Council at 6:05 pm  to Deliberate about Real Property LGC 551.072 and Economic Development 551.087.    At 7:06 pm the Board and City Council came back into open session.


  1. Action if needed from Executive Session. The board of TEDCO/TIDCO and the City Council briefed those in attendance in regards to a Lease Agreement that TEDCO/TIDCO was going to enter into with the City of Tye to allow for the lease of the rooms in the SBI building to the City of Tye. The boards advised the local tenets that they were not being moved out.  If for some reason the TEDCO/TIDCO board asked a tenet to leave it would be with at least a year’s notice.   Cody Ellis made the motion to enter into a 5 year lease contract with the City of Tye for moving City Hall into the SBI building with the offsetting cost of rental being made by the City of Tye paying for Salary and benefits and Insurance.  Vada Childers seconded the motion. Motion carried with 1 against.


Cody Ellis made a motion to enter into a lease agreement with City of Tye to lease rooms in the Small Business Incubator – 649 Scott Street for the use of Tye City Hall for 5 years with option to renew at the end of the 5 years for another 5 years. To offset the lease amount the City will continue to pay the salary of the Director, Assistant and Community Center Attendant  plus benefits, Insurance and Attorney Fees.   Second by Vada Childers. Motion carried. 6 in favor 1 against.



  1. Discuss and Consider – Entering into an agreement with Buxton Co., for Customer Analytics for TEDCO/TIDCO. Robb Miller briefed the board on the Buxton Co. and the Customer Analytics for the Board.  Discussion by the board to wait on this item until the board chooses the Executive Director.  Motion made by Danette Dunlap to TABLE this item until the next regular meeting.  Second by Kenny Dry. Motion carried.


  1. Discuss and Consider: Tye Community Center – review rental information, costs of upkeep and rental costs. Open the community center for rental? TEDCO  Motion made by Vada Childers to TABLE this item until the next regular meeting.  Second by Danette Dunlap.  Motion carried.



  1. Discuss and Consider: Roof repairs on the Small Business Incubator – Tear off and replace or Seal the roof for the building. TEDCO/TIDCO After a brief discussion with Chase Huddle regarding the roof. Motion by Cody Ellis to TABLE this item until the next regular meeting. Second by Kenny Dry. Motion carried.


  1. Discuss and Consider: Methodist Church – receive a report regarding the inspection of the building and a status of where we are with the other two pieces of property that is owned by the Methodist Church and hear from the committee. The description of the other two pieces of property has been turned over to Matt Wade Attorney to draw up the paper work for the transfer of the title – have not heard from the Attorney yet.  The Committee – clean-up and sale items, possible daycare/rental.  No action taken.



  1. Discuss and Consider: Lease Agreement with City of Tye – this item was moved up under item 4.


  1. Executive Session: – Personnel Matters LGC 551.074 Position of Executive Director Interviews with candidates for the position Bandi Jones, Rita Monterrosa and Shaw Hicks. President George Deffenbaugh announced that the board was entering executive session at 8:07 p.m. It was announced that the board came back into open session at 9:42 p.m.



  1. Action if any needed from Executive Session regarding the position of Executive Director

Motion made by Cody Ellis to hire Shawn Hicks as Executive Director at $46,000 a year with review at 6 months.  Second by Janie Ritter. Motion carried with 1 against.


  1. Adjournment – Motion made by Janie Ritter to adjourn at 9:53 p.m. Second by Kenny Dry. Motion carried.




__________________________                                                            __________________________

George Deffenbaugh                                                                             Vada Childers, Secretary


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Contact Us
(325) 695-8253
649 Scott St. • Tye, Tx 79563
PO Box 125 • Tye, TX 79563