Minutes 10/10/23
6:00 PM
The Tye Economic Development and the Tye Industrial Development Corporations met for a Regular meeting on Tuesday, October 10th, 2023, at 6:00 PM, at 649 Scott Street, Tye, Texas 79563 in Suite 111.
- Call to Order – George Deffenbaugh, President of the Board of the Tye Industrial/Economic Development Corporations called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
Members present – George Deffenbaugh, Kenny Dry, Barbara Kotrlik, Ken Arnold, Janie Ritter, Vada Childers
Members absent – Linda Parsons
Others Present – Gwen Sutton, Kenny Dry
- Invocation – Given by Ken Arnold.
- Public Comment – At this time, any person with business not scheduled on the agenda may speak to the Board of Directors. No formal action can be taken on these items at this meeting. Citizen’s speaking time may not exceed three (3) minutes without the consent of the Board of Directors.
Kenny Dry resigned from the Tedco/Tidco Board of Directors during the Public Comment portion of the meeting. After he resigned, he asked to speak as a citizen. He spoke about the accomplishments of the Corporations since he has been on the Boards, and expressed his opinion that he wished the Boards could have accomplished more. He also spoke about his desire for the Boards and the City Council to have a better relationship. Kenny exited the meeting after he concluded speaking.
- Discuss and Consider: Approval of joint minutes for both TEDCO and TIDCO from September 11th, 2023.
Motion made by Janie Ritter to approve the joint minutes for both TEDCO and TIDCO from September 11th, 2023. Ken Arnold seconded the motion. Motion carried.
- Discuss and Consider: Approval of financials for both TEDCO and TIDCO for September 2023.
Motion made by Vada Childers to approve the financials for both TEDCO and TIDCO for September 2023. Barbara Kotrlik seconded the motion. Motion carried.
- Discuss and Consider: Remove from the table: Adopting Resolution R-23-06 Investment Policy for TEDCO and Resolution R-23-07 Investment Policy for TIDCO for the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year.
Motion made by Barbara Kotrlik to remove the item from the table. Vada Childers seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Staff presented the Boards with the amended Investment Policies for both TEDCO and TIDCO for the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year. Staff explained that the grammatical errors had been corrected, and the second paragraph in both policies had been re-written to be clearer. Motion made by Barbara Kotrlik to adopt Resolution R-23-06 Investment Policy for TEDCO and Resolution R-23-07 Investment Policy for TIDCO for the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year. Ken Arnold seconded the motion. Motion carried.
- Discuss and Consider: Adopting Resolution R-23-08 Budget Amendments for TEDCO and Resolution R-23-09 Budget Amendments for TIDCO for the previous 2022-2023 fiscal year.
Staff presented the Boards with the Budget Amendments for TEDCO and TIDCO for the previous 2022-2023 fiscal year. Staff explained that amendments to the Budget were necessary for both Corporations due to overages in some line items, and that amounts that were over the limit in these particular line items were moved to other line items that had available funds. Motion made by Janie Ritter to adopt Resolution R-23-08 Budget Amendments for TEDCO and Resolution R-23-09 Budget Amendments for TIDCO for the previous 2022-2023 fiscal year. Ken Arnold seconded the motion. Motion carried.
- Discuss and Consider: Adopting Resolution R-23-10 for TEDCO conveying a ½ interest of Lot 2, Block 15, Original Town Tye, 201 North Street to TIDCO, and Resolution R-23-11 for TIDCO accepting a ½ interest of Lot 2, Block 15, Original Town Tye, 201 North Street from TEDCO.
Staff explained to the Boards that TEDCO has traditionally owned and maintained the cinder block building at 201 North Street. However, since the adjacent property that the Boards just acquired from the City is jointly owned by TEDCO and TIDCO, it would make sense for 201 North Street to be jointly owned as well. Both Corporations would share the income on that property as well as the expenses. Motion made by Barbara Kotrlik to adopt Resolution R-23-10 for TEDCO conveying a ½ interest of Lot 2, Block 15, Original Town Tye, 201 North Street to TIDCO, and Resolution R-23-11 for TIDCO accepting a ½ interest of Lot 2, Block 15, Original Town Tye, 201 North Street from TEDCO. Ken Arnold seconded the motion. Motion carried.
- Discuss and Consider: Continue or discontinue the rental of the portable restrooms at Rister Park.
Staff asked the Boards whether they wanted to continue or discontinue the rental of the portable restrooms at Rister Park. Staff explained that TEDCO and TIDCO had made the decision to rent the portable restrooms in April & May of 2021. Staff further explained that the Corporations returned all parks maintenance and issues back to the City earlier this year. The Boards discussed the issue and collectively felt that the Corporations should continue the rental of the portable restrooms until a permanent solution is in place. Motion made by Barbara Kotrlik to continue the rental of the Can- Doo portable restrooms at Rister Park. Janie Ritter seconded the motion. Motion carried.
- Discuss and Consider: Nominate and elect officers for both TEDCO and TIDCO for the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year.
Staff explained that every October it is required that the Boards nominate and elect officers for the new fiscal year. After some discussion, motion made by Vada Childers to nominate and elect George Deffenbaugh as President, Janie Ritter as Vice-President, and Barbara Kotrlik as Secretary/Treasurer. Ken Arnold seconded the motion. Motion carried.
- Discussion Only: Executive Director’s report regarding current projects.
Staff shared updates with the Boards regarding office work and accounting. Staff also shared with the Boards that we have been coordinating with Racetrac Convenience Store and Circle K Convenience Store on their plans to open up locations in Tye and that Staff had been contacted by Cross Development to see if we were interested in partnering with them on fast food locations. The Boards asked Staff some questions regarding rumors of the City Council possibly re-organizing or re-structuring the Corporations and making the Executive Director of Tedco/Tidco an employee of the Corporations again instead of the City. Staff answered these questions honestly and referenced Texas Government Codes 501.401 and 505.351.
- Adjournment: Motion made by Ken Arnold to adjourn at 7:25 PM. Vada Childers seconded the motion. Motion carried.
__________________________ ______________________________
George Deffenbaugh/President Cody Ellis/CEO