Notice of Special Meeting Called
Tye Industrial Development Corporations
Monday, September 30, 2019
Notice is hereby given of a Public Hearing and Regular Meeting of the Tye Industrial Development Corporations, to be held Monday, September 30, 2019 at 5:30pm at 649 Scott Street, Tye Texas 79563, for the purposes of considering the following agenda items. All agenda items are subject to action. The Boards reserve the right to meet in a closed session for consultation with an attorney on any agenda item should the need arise and if applicable pursuant to authorization by Title 5, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.
Agenda Items:
Call to Order
Public Comment – At this time any person with business not scheduled on the agenda may speak to the Boards of Directors. No formal action may be taken on these items at this meeting. Citizens speaking time may not exceed three (3) minutes without the consent of the Boards of Directors.
Consent Agenda – Consider and Act Upon the Following Items:
a. Consider and Act Upon – Consent Agenda – Items on the Consent Agenda are considered routine and may be acted upon by one motion. Any member of the Bard may request an item be pulled from the Consent Agenda and reviewed separately. All items are available for public review up on request.
i. Minutes from the August 12, 2019 Joint Special Called Meeting
ii. Approval of the August 2019 Financial Reports
5. Consider and Act Upon – Approval of the Tye Industrial Development Corporation Investment Policy
6. Consider and Act Upon – Nomination and Election of New Officers for the TIDCO Board of Directors for FY 2019-2020
7. Consider and Act Upon – Resolution R-092019-01 – A Resolution of the Tye Industrial Development Corporation to Approve and Adopt the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year Budget
8. Consider and Act Upon –
8a. Public Hearing with Possible Action to Consider Providing Financial Assistance in the Form of Provisional Grants to Existing Businesses Located Within the Scope of the City of Tye Water and Sewer Improvement Project
8b. Resolution R-092019-02.1 – To Consider Providing Financial Assistance in the Form of Provisional Grants to Existing Businesses Located Within the Scope of the City of Tye Water and Sewer Improvement Project
8c. Resolution R-092019-02.2 – Resolution to Report a Type B Project (Sewer Grants) to the Tye City Secretary in Accordance with 1.02.061 of the City of Tye Code of Ordinances
9. Consider and Act Upon –
9a. Public Hearing with Possible Action to Consider the Park Renovation Project – repairs, enhancements, and upgrades to Rister Park to include the purchase of new and/or upgraded equipment
9b. Resolution R-092019-03.1 – To Consider the Parks Renovation Project – Repairs, Enhancements, and upgrades to Rister Park to Include the Purchase of New and/or Upgrade Equipment Including but not Limited to the Installation of a Splash Pad
9c. Resolution R-092019-03.2 – Resolution to Report a Type B Project (Parks Renovations) to the Tye City Secretary in accordance with 1.02.061 of the City of Tye Code of Ordinances
10. Consider and Act Upon –
10a. Public Hearing with Possible Action to Consider Providing Financial Assistance in the Form of Provisional Grants to Existing Businesses Within the Municipal Limits for the Purpose of Facade Enhancement
10b. Resolution R-092019-04.1 – To Consider Providing Financial Assistance in the Form of Provisional Grants to Existing Businesses Within the Municipal Limits for the Purpose of Facade Enhancement
10c. Resolution R-092019-04.2 – Resolution to Report a Type B Project (Facade Enhancements) to the Tye City Secretary in Accordance with 1.02.061 of the City of Tye Code of Ordinances
11. Consider and Act Upon – Entering into an Agreement by Letter of Engagement with Denton Vavarro Rocha Bernal & Zech, Attorneys at Law.
12. Adjournment
The Board reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed above, as authorized by Texas Government Code Section 551.071 (consultation with attorney), 551.072 (deliberations about real property), 551.073 (deliberation about gifts and donations), 551.074 (personnel matters) and 551.087 (economic development).
I hereby certify that the above notice of meeting was posted in a place readily accessible to the general public at all times, on the 26th day of September, 2019 by 1:00pm and remained posted at least 72 consecutive hours preceding the schedule time of said meeting.
Jennifer Black, Chief Executive Officer
This facility is wheelchair accessible and an accessible parking space is available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the TEDCO/TIDCO office at (325) 695-8253.
Notice of a Joint Special Called Meeting
Tye Industrial & Economic Development Corporations
Monday, September 30, 2019
Notice is hereby given of a Joint Special Called Meeting of the Tye Industrial & Economic Development Corporations, to be held Thursday,September 30, 2019 at 6:15pm at 649 Scott Street, Tye Texas 79563, for the purposes of considering the following agenda items. All agenda items are subject to action. The Boards reserve the right to meet in a closed session for consultation with an attorney on any agenda item should the need arise and if applicable pursuant to authorization by Title 5, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.
Agenda Items:
1. Call to Order
2. Invocation
3. Public Comment – At this time any person with business not scheduled on the agenda may speak to the Boards of Directors. No formal action may be taken on these items at this meeting. Citizens speaking time may not exceed three (3) minutes without the consent of the Boards of Directors.
4. Consider and Act Upon – A Legislative Update Given by Chief Executive Officer, Jennifer Black
5. Consider and Act Upon – Information Concerning the Real Estate Loan with First Financial Bank
6. Consider and Act Upon – Discussion and Action Concerning Quotes Given for the Installation for Heaters in Warehouse A and B at the Small Business Incubator
7. Consider and Act Upon — Discussion and Possible Action Concerning the Tedco/Tidco Website
8. Adjournment
The Board reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed above, as authorized by Texas Government Code Section 551.071 (consultation with attorney), 551.072 (deliberations about real property), 551.073 (deliberation about gifts and donations), 551.074 (personnel matters) and 551.087 (economic development).
I hereby certify that the above notice of meeting was posted in a place readily accessible to the general public at all times, on the 26th day of September, 2019 by 1:00pm and remained posted at least 72 consecutive hours preceding the schedule time of said meeting.
Jennifer Black, Chief Executive Officer
This facility is wheelchair accessible and an accessible parking space is available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the TEDCO/TIDCO office at (325) 695-8253.
Notice of a Special Called Meeting
Tye Economic Development Corporations
Monday, September 30, 2019
Notice is hereby given of a Regular Meeting of the Tye Economic Development Corporations, to be held Monday, September 30, 2019 at 6:45pm at 649 Scott Street, Tye Texas 79563, for the purposes of considering the following agenda items. All agenda items are subject to action. The Boards reserve the right to meet in a closed session for consultation with an attorney on any agenda item should the need arise and if applicable pursuant to authorization by Title 5, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.
Agenda Items:
Call to Order
Public Comment – At this time any person with business not scheduled on the agenda may speak to the Boards of Directors. No formal action may be taken on these items at this meeting. Citizens speaking time may not exceed three (3) minutes without the consent of the Boards of Directors.
Consent Agenda – Convene into Executive Session Under Texas Local Government Codeee 551.072, Deliberations About Real Property
5. Consider and Act Upon – Return to Open Session with Possible Action Concerning Deliberations About Real Property
6. Adjournment
The Board reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed above as authorized by Texas Government Code Section 551.071 (consultation with attorney), 551.072 (deliberations about real property), 551.073 (deliberation about gifts and donations), 551.074 (personnel matters), and 551.087 (economic development).
I hereby certify that the above notice of meeting was posted in a place readily accessible to the general public at all times, on the 16th day of September, 2019 by 10:00am and remained posted at least 72 consecutive hours preceding the schedule time of said meeting
Jennifer Black, Chief Executive Officer
This facility is wheelchair accessible and an accessible parking space is available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the TEDCO/TIDCO office at (325) 695-8253.