Minutes 2/13/23



6:00 PM

The Tye Economic Development and the Tye Industrial Development Corporations met for a Regular Called meeting on Monday, February 13th, 2023, at 6:00 PM, at 649 Scott Street, Tye, Texas 79563 in Suite 111.

  1. Call to Order – Kenny Dry, Vice-President of the Board of the Tye Industrial/Economic Development Corporations called the meeting to order at 6:02 PM.

Members present – Kenny Dry, Vada Childers, George Deffenbaugh, Ken Arnold, Janie Ritter, Barbara Kotrlik (6:10 PM)

Members absent – None.


Others Present – Mayor Nancy Moore


  1. Invocation – Given by Kenny Dry.


  1. Public Comment – At this time, any person with business not scheduled on the agenda may speak to the Board of Directors. No formal action can be taken on these items at this meeting. Citizens speaking time may not exceed three (3) minutes without the consent of the Board of Directors. – No Comments.


  1. Discuss and Consider: Approval of joint minutes for both TEDCO and TIDCO from January 9th, 2023.

Motion made by George Deffenbaugh to approve the joint minutes for both TEDCO and TIDCO from January 9th, 2023. Janie Ritter seconded the motion. Motion carried.


  1. Discuss and Consider: Approval of financials for both TEDCO and TIDCO for January 2023.


Motion made by Vada Childers to approve the financials for both TEDCO and TIDCO for January 2023. George Deffenbaugh seconded the motion. Motion carried.


  1. Discuss and Consider: Revising rental rates for the Tye Community Center.


Staff was asked by Mayor Moore to have the Tedco Board look into revising the rental rates for the Tye Community Center. Staff informed the Board of the current rates of $275.00 for a Friday-Sunday rental, $175.00 for a Monday-Thursday rental, and $100.00 for an after funeral meal for a Tye resident, and a $200.00 deposit required for all rentals. Staff explained to the Board that the current rental rates are a little high compared to similar rental facilities and the current deposit structure is inconsistent with the rental rates.


The Board discussed different options and collectively decided on the rental structure and also asked staff to revise and shorten the Tye Community Center Rental Agreement and Rules.


Motion made by Vada Childers to revise the rental rates for the Tye Community Center to $175.00 for a Friday-Sunday rental, $125.00 for a Monday-Thursday rental, $50.00 for an after funeral meal for a Tye Resident, and a 100% matching deposit to the applicable rental charge. Ken Arnold seconded the motion. Motion carried.


  1. Discuss and Consider: Nominate and elect President for TEDCO and TIDCO.


Motion made by Vada Childers to nominate and elect George Deffenbaugh as President of TEDCO and TIDCO. Barbara Kotrlik seconded the motion. Motion carried.



  1. Discuss and Consider: Adopting Resolution R-23-01: Removing former President Danette Dunlap from the depository contract with First Financial Bank; Adding the new TEDCO/TIDCO President to the depository contract with First Financial Bank; and keeping Cody Ellis (Chief Executive Officer), Kenny Dry (Vice-President), and Barbara Kotrlik (Secretary/Treasurer), on the depository contract with First Financial Bank.


Motion made by Vada Childers to adopt Resolution R-23-01: Removing former President Danette Dunlap from the depository contract with First Financial Bank; Adding the new TEDCO/TIDCO President to the depository contract with First Financial Bank; and keeping Cody Ellis (Chief Executive Officer), Kenny Dry (Vice-President), and Barbara Kotrlik (Secretary/Treasurer), on the depository contract with First Financial Bank. Janie Ritter seconded the motion. Motion carried.


  1. Discuss and Consider: The Commission reserves the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the meeting to discuss any of the matters listed, as authorized by Texas Government Code, Section 551.074 (Personnel Matters), Replacing 7th Board Member, Section 551.087 (Economic Development), Project Teamwork, Section 551.072 (Deliberations About Real Property), 103 Scott St. Tye, TX 79563.


Kenny Dry announced that the boards were entering Executive Session at 6:40 PM. It was announced that the boards came back into Open Session at 7:35 PM No votes or action were taken in Executive Session.


The boards took no action on these items.


  1. Adjournment: Motion made by Vada Childers to adjourn at 7:36 PM. Ken Arnold seconded the motion. Motion carried.


__________________________                                                ______________________________

Kenny Dry/Vice-President                                                                      Cody Ellis/CEO

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(325) 695-8253
649 Scott St. • Tye, Tx 79563
PO Box 125 • Tye, TX 79563