Minutes 12/9/24
6:00 PM
The Tye Economic Development Corporation and the Tye Industrial Development Corporation met for a Regular meeting on Monday, December 9th, 2024, at 6:00 PM, at 649 Scott Street, Tye, Texas 79563 in the City Council Chambers.
- Call to Order: – George Deffenbaugh, President of the Board of the Tye Economic/Industrial Development Corporations called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM.
Members Present – George Deffenbaugh, Janie Ritter, Barbara Kotrlik, Dannelle Flippo, Ken Arnold, Amye Amerine
Members Absent – Linda Parsons
Others Present – CEO Cody Ellis, Mayor Greg Treadwell, Butch Schuman, Sam Childers, Mersaydies Ellis
- Invocation: – Given by Janie Ritter.
- Visitor/Citizen Comments: – At this time, any person with business not scheduled on the agenda may speak to the Board of Directors. No formal action can be taken on these items at this meeting. Speaking time may not exceed three (3) minutes without the consent of the Board of Directors.
- Discuss and Consider: Approval of the joint minutes for both TEDCO and TIDCO from November 4th, 2024.
Motion made by Amye Amerine to approve the joint minutes for both TEDCO and TIDCO from November 4th, 2024. Dannelle Flippo seconded the motion. Motion carried.
- Discuss and Consider: Approval of the financials for both TEDCO and TIDCO for November 2024.
Motion made by Barbara Kotrlik to approve the financials for both TEDCO and TIDCO for November 2024. Janie Ritter seconded the motion. Motion carried.
- Discuss and Consider: Potential advertising – Tye Truck Show – Butch Schuman – April 4th & 5th, 2025.
Staff explained that Mr. Schuman visited with Staff earlier this month, and he spoke about organizing a Truck Show at Rister Park in April of next year. Mr. Schuman mentioned that he was interested in potential advertising help from Tedco & Tidco to promote this event throughout the area. Staff also explained that Mr. Schuman had already visited with the Mayor about utilizing Rister Park for this event. Staff told the Board that each Corporation had budgeted $3,500.00 for advertising this year.
Mr. Schuman and Sam Childers then spoke about how the advertising money would be utilized through the use of banners and magazine ads.
After some discussion by the Board, motion made by Amye Amerine to help advertise the Tye Truck Show in the amount of $3,500.00, split evenly between TEDCO (Budget Line Item 6023 Advertising), and TIDCO (Budget Line Item 6023 Advertising), pursuant to approval of the event and the expenditure of the funds by the Tye City Council. Barbara Kotrlik seconded the motion. Motion carried.
- Discussion Only: Executive Director’s report regarding current projects.
Staff gave an update to the Board about the property sale on Taylor Street between Tedco and the Tye Church of Christ. Staff explained that the deed has been prepared by the City Attorney, however she recommended that the Church restore their corporate status before Tedco transfers ownership of the property.
Staff also mentioned to the Board about the Christmas Parade that is scheduled for Friday, December 13th.
The Board then collectively had some questions for the Executive Director, Cody Ellis, about the possibility of him transferring departments and becoming the new City Secretary. The Executive Director explained that while nothing has been finalized, the City Council asked him to complete their Meeting Agendas and Minutes while they decide on who should fill the City Secretary position.
- Adjournment: Motion made by Barbara Kotrlik to adjourn at 6:28 PM. Amye Amerine seconded the motion. Motion carried.
__________________________ ______________________________
George Deffenbaugh/President Cody Ellis/CEO