Minutes 10/12/21



6:00 PM

The Tye Economic Development and the Tye Industrial Development Corporations met for a Regular Called meeting on Tuesday, October 12th 2021 at 6:00 pm, at 649 Scott Street, Tye, Texas 79563.

  1. Call to Order – Danette Dunlap Vice-President of the Board of the Tye Industrial/Economic Development Corporations called the meeting to order at 6:01 pm.

Members present – Danette Dunlap, Vada Childers, Ken Arnold, Barbara Kotrlik

Members absent – George Deffenbaugh, Kenny Dry, Janie Ritter


Others Present – Nancy Moore, Dale Garner, Cody Morrow


  1. Invocation – Given by Barbara Kotrlik


  1. Public Comment – At this time, any person with business not scheduled on the agenda may speak to the Board of Directors. No formal action can be taken on these items at this meeting. Citizens speaking time may not exceed three (3) minutes without the consent of the Board of Directors. – No Comments


  1. Discuss and Consider: Approval of joint minutes for both TEDCO and TIDCO from August 12th, 2021 and September 13th, 2021.


Staff explained the changes on the August 12th, 2021 minutes in regards to the motion made by Vada Childers on the fence/storage container for the Julian Morgan Museum.


Motion made by Vada Childers to approve the joint minutes for both TEDCO and TIDCO from August 12th, 2021 and September 13th, 2021 as amended. Ken Arnold seconded the motion. Motion carried.


  1. Discuss and Consider: Approval of financials for both TEDCO and TIDCO from September 2021.


Motion made by Barbara Kotrlik to approve the financials for both TEDCO and TIDCO from September 2021. Ken Arnold seconded the motion. Motion carried.


  1. Discuss and Consider: Adopting Resolutions R-21-07 and R-21-08 Budget Amendments for the previous Fiscal Year of 2020-2021 for both TEDCO and TIDCO.


Staff presented the Budget Amendments for the previous Fiscal Year of 2020-2021 for both TEDCO and TIDCO. Staff explained the moving of funds around on different line items to make each line item balance.


Motion made by Ken Arnold to adopt Resolutions R-21-07 and R-21-08 Budget Amendments for the previous Fiscal Year of 2020-2021 for both TEDCO and TIDCO. Vada Childers seconded the motion. Motion carried.


  1. Discuss and Consider: Adopting Resolution R-21-09 Facade Enhancement Program for TIDCO.


Staff presented the Facade Enhancement program for TIDCO to the board and explained the changes made, including grammatical errors and lowering the grant amount from $5,000.00 per grant to $3,000.00 per grant on the suggestion by Danette Dunlap.


Motion made by Vada Childers to adopt Resolution R-21-09 Facade Enhancement Program for TIDCO. Barbara Kotrlik seconded the motion. Motion carried.




  1. Discuss and Consider: Demolition & Asbestos Inspection quotes for the Tye Methodist Church located at 205 Taylor St. Tye, TX 79563.


Dale Garner from Alamo 1 gave a short presentation on the demolition quote that Alamo 1 prepared for us. Dale explained that the demolition could not proceed until an asbestos inspection was completed and that the inspection and demolition could not be completed by the same company under Texas Law.


Staff presented the board with a quote from Enprotec/Hibbs & Todd from Abilene for the asbestos inspection in the amount of $1,500.00.


Motion made by Ken Arnold to accept the quote from Enprotec/Hibbs & Todd for the asbestos inspection on the Tye Methodist Church with an amount not to exceed $1,500.00 with funds used from TEDCO (6810 Projects General). Barbara Kotrlik seconded the motion. Motion carried. The board took no action on the demolition quotes.


  1. Discuss and Consider: Purchasing a storage container for the Julian Morgan Museum.


Staff presented the board with a quote from Campbell Containers in Clyde for new and used 40 foot containers to store the items from the Julian Morgan Museum. The board was collectively concerned about a current City Ordinance that states that there are to be no storage containers in the City of Tye and asked staff to work with the city to see if we could obtain a waiver for a storage container.


Motion made by Barbara Kotrlik to table the item until an agreement can be reached with the city. Ken Arnold seconded the motion. Motion carried.


  1. Discuss and Consider: Request for financial assistance from Cody Morrow and Randy Roberts.


Cody Morrow gave a short presentation on the property that he bought on Market Street here in Tye. He explained that he plans to open a Self Storage business with covered parking for boats and rv’s.


Staff explained to the board that the request for financial assistance is for a sewer line to be run to their property and that the closest sewer tap is on the other side of the railroad tracks and that it wouldn’t be feasible to work with Union Pacific on this project. Danette Dunlap mentioned that there is an existing sewer tap on the same side of Market Street that Mr. Morrow’s property is on. However, it is around 1,700 feet away from his property. The board collectively agreed that running a sewer line to Mr. Morrow’s property would be beneficial to TEDCO/TIDCO and to the City of Tye because the new sewer line would run along other commercial property for sale.


Motion made by Vada Childers to direct staff to obtain quotes for the sewer line. Barbara Kotrlik seconded the motion. Motion carried.


  1. Discuss and Consider: Nominate and elect officers for both TEDCO and TIDCO for Fiscal Year 2021-2022.


After some discussion by the board, motion made by Vada Childers to elect Danette Dunlap as President, Kenny Dry as Vice-President, and Barbara Kotrlik as Secretary/Treasurer. Barbara Kotrlik seconded the motion. Motion carried


  1. Adjournment: Motion made Barbara Kotrlik to adjourn at 7:07 PM. Ken Arnold seconded the motion. Motion carried.

__________________________                                                ______________________________

Danette Dunlap/Vice-President                                                  Cody Ellis/CEO

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(325) 695-8253
649 Scott St. • Tye, Tx 79563
PO Box 125 • Tye, TX 79563