Due to Ice and Snow the meeting has been cancelled tonight – Meeting will be rescheduled.- Posted January 11th 2021 – Danette Dunlap Vice President of the Board
Notice is hereby given of a Joint Regular Called Meeting of the Tye Economic TEDCO and Industrial Development TIDCO Corporations, to be held on Monday, January 11th, 2021 at 6:00p.m. at 649 Scott Street, Tye, Texas 79563, for the purposes of considering the following agenda items. All agenda items are subject to action. The Board reserves the right to meet in a closed session for consultation with an attorney on any agenda item should the need arise and if applicable pursuant to authorization by Title 5, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code.
This meeting of the Board of Directors will be conducted via videoconference, pursuant to Governor Abbott’s Temporary Suspension of Open Meeting Laws issued on March 16, 2020 and now has been extended. As always, you may watch the meeting using the live stream at:
Danette Dunlap is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting:
There will be no in-person attendance by Citizens at this meeting.
Agenda Items:
- Call to Order
- Invocation
- Visitor /Citizen Comments: At this time, any person with business before the Board not scheduled on the agenda may speak to the Board. No formal action can be taken on these items at this meeting. Discussion by the Board of any item not on the agenda shall be limited to statements of specific factual information given in response to any inquiry, a recitation of existing policy in response to an inquiry, and/or a proposal to place the item on a future The presiding officer, during the Hearing of Residents portion of the agenda, will call on those persons who have signed up to speak in the order they have registered
- Consent Items Approval of the Financial Reports for both Corporations
Financial Reports for October, November and December for TEDCO/TIDCO
Sales Tax Recap for October, November and December
- Discuss and Consider: A request from ATX Auctions to install a Sign to be placed on the Storage Building at the cost of ATX Auction for direction to the warehouse.
- Discuss and Consider: Small Business Incubator (TEDCO/TIDCO)
- Consider bid proposals for costs to the Parking area on the North side of the building to allow for handicap access into the building and any additions or repairs to the parking area.
- Possible construction inside the building for placement of doors in various locations for the rental of the North West offices and possible door on the East side of the building for the Conference Room and security lights outside of the building for security purposes.
- Executive Session – Personnel Matters LGC 551.074 –Position of Executive Director and 551.087 Economic Development – Business S
- Action if any needed from Executive Session regarding the position of Executive Director and any action regarding Business S
- Adjournment
The Board reserve the right to adjourn into executive session at any time during the course of this meeting to discuss any of the matters listed above, as authorized by Texas Government Code Section 551.071 (consultation with attorney), 551.072 (deliberations about real property), 551.073 (deliberation about gifts and donations), 551.074 (personnel matters) and 551.087 (economic development).
I hereby certify that the above notice of meeting was posted in a place readily accessible to the general public at all times, on the _____ day of January 2021 at ________ and remained posted at least 72 consecutive hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting.
This facility is wheelchair accessible and an accessible parking space is available. Requests for accommodations or interpretive services must be made 48 hours prior to this meeting. Please contact the TEDCO/TIDCO Office at (325) 695-8253 |
Danette Dunlap, Vice President TIDCO/TEDCO